jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

EventID Status codes en los logs del Exchange 2007

BADMAIL: The message could not be delivered or returned to sender.

DELIVER: The message was delivered to the recipient’s mailbox.

DEFER: The delivery of the message was delayed.

DSN: A delivery status notification was generated for the message.

EXPAND: The membership of a distribution was expanded to determine the final
recipients of the message.

FAIL: Delivery of the message has failed permanently.

POISONMESSAGE: The message was put into or removed from the poison message

RECEIVE: The message was received and committed to the database.

REDIRECT: The message was redirected to another recipient.

RESOLVE: The message’s recipient was resolved to a different email address.

SEND: The message was sent using SMTP to a different server.

SUBMIT: The message was submitted to the Hub Transport server from a Mailbox
server or Edge Transport server.

TRANSFER: The recipients of the message were moved to a forked message because of
recipient limits or conversion of the message content.

sábado, 10 de julio de 2010

Error al iniciar JDownloader en Remote Desktop

Sin motivo alguno, tras funcionar durante meses de pronto un dia deja de iniciarse el JDownloader a traves de escritorio remoto.
Hay que aclarar tambien que es un Windows 7 con el parche para multiples sesiones concurrentes como un Terminal Server.

Parece que el problema es cuando incia el D3D asi que ahi va el comando para iniciar el JDownloader con el D3D desactivado.

java.exe -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -jar "C:\Program Files\JDownloader\JDownloader.jar"